Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Almost there ...

The Mission Trip to Nicaragua is only a couple weeks away. We will leave on January 24 and return January 31. The team will consist of Marty Marshall, Walter Smith, Kevin Bankston, Dave Hewson, Debra Utley, and Mike and Zac Hannaford of Jackson First Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Barry Reed, Sam and Carolyn Hunley, and Jim Glenn from Humboldt First Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Rev. Jimmy and Samual Cantey from Elmira Chapel Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Longview, TX, Tom Orr from Brownsville, TN formerly of Dyer Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and Pastor Luis Chavarria of Atlanta, GA.

The Mission Team, thanks to our leader who cannot go this year: Russell Little, secured the nearly $8,000 to begin construction of the church in La Trinidad. The church will be a two story building, and will be built somewhat sturdier than those we built in Honduras. Nicaragua has volcanoes, therefore, having earthquakes. The Building Team will be pouring footings and laying blocks. Becky Joe Maxwell has volunteered to meet with Carolyn and Debra sharing what they have done in the past trips to Honduras with the Bible School. They will be sharing the Good News with the local children.

Beginning on Sunday evening they are having a Street Revival in the city of Esteli, where we will be staying. A platform will be put down, and preaching in the streets will begin. I understand that when something out of the ordinary is happening, especially when Americans are present, people show up with interest. Pastor Luis wants us to come as much as we can, but at least a couple nights. I think this will be very interesting. It would be awesome to be in the presence of the working of God where hundreds of people came to know HIM. WOW!! Anyway, that is my prayer.

The team is making preparations for departure on January 24. If you are reading this please pray for health and safety of the team from now until departure, and for health and safety while we are gone and for the families behind. Also please pray God would work in a mighty way for His glory during the construction, the bible school and during the street revival. To God be the glory.

Mike Hannaford

'09 Team Leader

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