Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 4

"Levantate y Resplandece"were the first words we heard today, telling us to raise and shine. We had a greaqt morning devotional by Mr. Marty, inspiring us to think on what our purpose was to come to Nicaragua. We then headed to the job site, ready and eager to begin the hard work. As soon as we arrived on the job site, we were given the job to dig a seemingly never-ending hole that we nicknamed "The Pit". the pit was a 4x4x4 hole for the column that will be the main support for the building. As we were digging holes, wheel barrowing dirt to its appropriate holes, and packing dirt with the tamper, our teammates were boarding re-bar, making cement, and shoveling dirt. After a lunch of Beanie Weenie and Vienna Sausages, we were ready to finish digging "The Pit", and we began getting ready for VBS. Bible school was interesting because we got to know and play games with the 60 children that attended. After finishing up Bible School, on our way to our hotel, we took a detour to downtown Esteli in search for disposable cameras and double A batteries. It was a unique detour. We saw all different kinds of driving, going the wrong way in a one way street, U-turns in the middle of the road, and passing cars at stop signs to take a left or right. Once back at the Hotel, we ate a delicious supper of steak, chicken, and shrimp, then headed off to experience a different type of excitement, that night's street revival. Pastor Luis delivered a very inspiring message. With reverend Jimmy interpreting, made all thye more exciting with passing of cars and people on the street we were on. After the service we shook hands and said good bye to every one, then headed back to the hotel for a refreshing night of sleep, before heading on for the last day's work.
Matthew 28:19-20
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Samuel Canty & Zac Hannaford

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